• Exam Name:

    SVC-19A: Apple Service Fundamentals

  • Last Update: Jul 28, 24
Acquire essential study course for SVC-19A: Apple Service Fundamentals and 1000+ other certification exams.
SVC-19A: Apple Service Fundamentals and 1000+ other certification exams prep course
Study materials based on documents

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[  ]Customers who take this exam: 1458

[  ]Average score: 96%

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SVC-19A: Apple Service Fundamentals and 1000+ other certification exams prep program
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SVC-19A: Apple Service Fundamentals Exams Details

Through interactive discussions and hands-on exercises, participants learn the Apple style for customer interactions, safety precautions, and basic troubleshooting skills. Participants’ knowledge and skills are tested and reinforced by working through real-world scenarios and role-playing.

Training for Apple Service Fundamentals is available to technicians who work at—or want to work at—Apple Authorized Service Providers.

The exam covers the learning objectives listed below:
1. Use GSX to locate and utilize the appropriate service Guide to identify symptoms and solutions for iOS and Mac related software issues.

2. Describe the features of continuity and which Apple products work together for specific continuity functions.

3. Recognize a customer’s statements that indicate a safety issue and understand when to document a potential safety issue.

4. Practice strategies for setting realistic resolution expectations.

5. Explain how diagnostics benefit customers and technicians and how to interpret diagnostics results.

6. Demonstrate navigation, customization, and troubleshooting of the fundamental features of the iOS and macOS interfaces.

7. Provide customer engagement skills such as empathy, setting expectations, positioning a refusal of service, and conflict resolution.

8. Take precautions for electrostatic discharge (ESD) and know how to use the tools, equipment and procedure to minimize the risk.

What Our Customers Say

Every Customer Benefits from this Guide

Even if you think you know all there is to know about certification exams I promise you that you will get some benefit from this program. I bought the SVC-19A: Apple Service Fundamentals guide from AcedExam just as a little extra boost and found myself very surprised. I learned a great amount from this guide and feel that everyone can benefit in some way from it. The unlimited access was great and the practice tests were phenomenal. I used this guide a lot more than I ever thought I would. Guess it just proves that I didn't know as much as I thought I did. Thank you AcedExam for putting your customers first.

– From TL Scott


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– From madison shafer

Don't Hesitate! Pass Your SVC-19A: Apple Service Fundamentals Exam with Acedexam

I just wanted to share the experience I just had with passing the SVC-19A: Apple Service Fundamentals exam because I was very hesitant to use Acedexam but now I'm glad I did. I was not confident that I would be able to pass the SVC-19A: Apple Service Fundamentals exam by myself. After a long deliberation, I decided to invest in a study aid. It took some searching, but I eventually found Acedexam. The preparation materials offered by Acedexam proved to be very helpful for me because it offered very relevant material and provided some helpful tips as well that helped me on test day. With the Acedexam' help, I easily passed the SVC-19A: Apple Service Fundamentals exam with a 95%.

– From Kimana Mackay

It's Like Getting a Pass on Prep Work

Prepping for an exam can take a lot of time and energy but, if you buy the SVC-19A: Apple Service Fundamentals exam guide from Acedexam; you can get a pass on all the hard stuff. The only thing you have to do when you use this guide is study it. They give you the test questions you will be asked and then they breakdown and explain the answers for you. Once you feel comfortable you can take practice tests to monitor how you are doing in the learning department so to speak. Also those practice tests are just like the real thing so it's great for first time exam takers. Thanks for the pass Acedexam!

– From Joanne Alford

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