We’ve started our learning journey and begun with concepts around data modelling and design. We’ve covered sharing and security, delving into the various mechanisms available in Salesforce to control access to data. We’ve paid particular attention to how the OWDs and role hierarchy can have a profound impact on the data that your users can access. We’ve seen how OWDs affect data model design for solutions on the Salesforce platform, and why it is important to get these right based on a solid understanding of the impact of a particular OWD setting when building Salesforce solutions that address customer requirements.
We’ve also covered the different object types available on the platform, highlighting the differences between standard, custom, external, and big objects and the various use cases for each. Again, the use of certain object types (and in particular big objects and external objects) can affect the user experience with regard to data access.
We’ve covered relationships and their effect on Salesforce functionality and data access, and we’ve seen the different methods of objects and their data together on the Salesforce platform, highlighting how we relate data held in external data sources with that held within Salesforce.
We’ve also looked at performance around data with regard to data skew and the methods available to mitigate the impacts of a user owning more than 10,000 records or an account being the parent account for more than 10,000 child records.
With a solid grounding in the concepts highlighted in this chapter, you now understand why it is important to plan for the future from the outset of the design on your Salesforce data model to mitigate the risks associated with data skew and other factors that affect performance.
Lastly, we brought together the concepts when modeling data solutions and introduced a standard for data model diagrams.
In Chapter 3, Master Data Management, we’ll dive into what Master Data Management (MDM) is and learn how to effectively design and implement an MDM strategy on the Salesforce platform. We’ll look at the concept of a golden record, preserve data traceability across multiple data sources, and learn how this affects the context in which business rules run.