Quick Actions, Page Layouts, and Record Types – Salesforce Automatization Tools – Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I Study Guide

3.1  Quick Actions, Page Layouts, and Record Types

Quick Actions, Page Layouts, and Record Types are features that play a crucial role in defining how users interact with records and perform actions within the application. They contribute to creating a tailored user experience by determining what information is displayed and what actions are available on a record’s detail page.

Quick Actions in Salesforce are a feature that allows users to perform specific tasks or actions quickly and efficiently within the Salesforce platform and mobile app without navigating away from the current page. These actions can be standard or custom, and they provide a streamlined way for users to perform common tasks. Common examples of Quick Actions include but are not limited to:

Create a Record: Users can quickly create a new related record, like a new Task or Event, directly from the record’s detail page.

Log a Call: Users can log call details, including notes, outcome, and duration, with a single click.

Send Email: Users can send an email to a contact or lead without leaving the current page.

Update a Record: Users can change the status of a record, like marking a Lead as qualified.

A “Create Feed Item” is an option on a Quick Action in Salesforce which allows users to create a post on the Chatter feed related to a record or object. This can be useful for sharing information or updates with other users who are following the record or object.

This option is available when creating a Quick Action on an object, and can be selected as an option when configuring the action.

Page Layouts define the organization and arrangement of fields, sections, related lists, and quick actions on a record’s detail page. They determine what information is displayed to users and how it’s presented. Page layouts can be customized to match the needs of different user profiles, record types, and applications. Key components of a Page Layout include but are not limited to

Fields: The individual data fields like Name, Phone, and Email displayed on the page

Sections: Groups of related fields organized together for better readability

Related Lists: Lists of related records, such as open activities, closed activities, and related records

For instance, you might create different page layouts for different types of Opportunities, ensuring that each layout shows the most relevant fields and actions for that Opportunity type. You can also tailor page layouts based on user profiles, presenting only the information and actions that are relevant to a specific role or department.

Record Types allow you to define different sets of picklist values, page layouts, and business processes for different types of records within the same object. For example, in an Opportunity object, you might have different record types for “New Business” and “Renewal” opportunities, each with its own set of fields and page layouts. Users can select the appropriate record type when creating a new record, ensuring that it aligns with the specific requirements of their task or scenario.

Quick Actions, Page Layouts, and Record Types contribute to improving user efficiency and user adoption by providing a customized and efficient interface for interacting with records. They help users focus on the tasks they need to complete while avoiding unnecessary clutter and complexity.

To create Quick Actions, Page Layouts, and Record Types, select first the object you want to create on. Then, in Object Manager on the left menu, click Page Layouts or Buttons, Links, and Actions to create Quick Actions or create new Record Types, and specify the picklist values, page layouts, and other settings unique to each record type.