Platform Event-Triggered Flow – Declarative Programming with Flows – Salesforce Automatization Tools – Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I Study Guide

Platform Event-Triggered Flow in Salesforce Flow Builder combines the capabilities of platform events and flows to automate processes based on the occurrence of platform events. A platform event is a custom object in Salesforce used to publish and subscribe to events within the Salesforce ecosystem and between Salesforce and external systems. Platform Event-Triggered Flows allow you to automate actions and logic in response to the publishing of platform events. Here are the key features of Event-Triggered Flows:

•\ Platform Event: A platform event is a structured message representing an occurrence in Salesforce or an external system. Platform events are used to communicate changes or events in a loosely coupled manner.

•\ Flow Automation: Platform Event-Triggered Flows automate actions based on the publication of platform events. When a platform event is published, the flow is triggered to execute its defined actions.

•\ Event-Driven Logic: The flow’s logic and actions are executed in response to specific platform event occurrences, enabling you to perform complex and targeted automation.

•\ Record Updates and Actions: Just like other flow types, Platform Event-Triggered Flows can update records, create records, send notifications, and perform various actions based on the event’s data.

•\ Decoupled Architecture: Platform events facilitate communication between different systems, applications, or components without tight dependencies.

•\ External System Integration: Platform events can be consumed and published by external systems, allowing for seamless integration between Salesforce and external systems.

Some examples of use cases for Event-Triggered Flows include

•\ Real-Time Integration: Integrate Salesforce with external systems by triggering flows based on events occurring in external systems or vice versa.

•\ Cross-Object Updates: Automate updates to related records based on events that occur in other records.

•\ Complex Logic: Implement business processes that require dynamic and complex decision-making based on event data.

•\ Data Synchronization: Keep data synchronized between different systems by using platform events as a communication mechanism.

•\ Custom Notifications: Trigger custom notifications or alerts based on specific event occurrences.

Record-Triggered Orchestration is an advanced feature that allows you to create a coordinated sequence of flows and actions in response to changes made to records. It enables you to design complex automation scenarios that involve multiple flows, each responsible for specific tasks, and orchestrate their execution based on record changes. Record-Triggered Orchestration helps you break down complex processes into modular and manageable components, making it easier to maintain, update, and scale

your automation efforts. Here’s how Record-Triggered Orchestration works:

•\ Multiple Flows: With Record-Triggered Orchestration, you can create multiple flows, each focusing on a specific task or set of actions.

•\ Trigger Logic: You define the logic that determines which flows should be executed based on the changes made to records. Each flow can be triggered by specific criteria.

•\ Flow Interaction: Flows within the orchestration can interact with each other by passing data between them using flow variables.

•\ Sequential Execution: The flows within the orchestration are executed in a specified sequence, allowing you to ensure that tasks are performed in the desired order.

•\ Conditional Flow Execution: You can incorporate decision elements to conditionally execute specific flows based on certain conditions or outcomes from earlier flows.

•\ Parallel Execution: If needed, you can design the orchestration to execute multiple flows in parallel, allowing for more efficient and simultaneous processing.

Some examples of use cases for Record-Triggered Orchestration include

•\ Complex Processes: Orchestration is useful for automating processes that involve multiple steps, data updates, notifications, and integrations.

•\ Cross-Object Actions: Automate actions on multiple related records in response to changes in one record.

•\ Consistency and Compliance: Enforce consistent and compliant processes across your organization by orchestrating multiple flows to handle different aspects of a process.

•\ Data Transformation and Enrichment: Perform data transformations and enrichments across various records within a single orchestrated automation.