EA customers can create spending quotas and set notification thresholds through the EA portal. This is in addition to the budget alerts available through the Cost Management and Bill- ing tools of your Azure subscription. An advantage of using the EA portal to configure spend- ing notifications is that a quota alert can be triggered based on aggregate spending across all the subscriptions within a department. Cost centers can be assigned to the departments that accounts and subscriptions roll up to for EA customers, making it easier to track cost by busi- ness unit and operate a showback or chargeback model.
Within the Azure portal, EA customers can also use Azure Cost Management for track- ing cost for individual subscriptions. Cost Management includes features for performing cost analysis, setting per-subscription budgets and alerts, setting recommendations for optimiza- tion, and exporting cost management data to perform deeper analysis.
Access to the Cost Management service is dictated by scopes and might vary depend- ing on the type of agreement or subscription that you have with Microsoft. A user must have at least read access to one of the following scopes shown in Table 1-5 to view data in Cost Management.
TABLE 1-5 Cost Management access scopes
Scope | Defined at | Required access toview data | Prerequisite EA setting | Consolidates data to |
Billing account | https://ea.azure.com | Enterprise Admin | None | All subscriptions from the enterprise agreement |
Department | https://ea.azure.com | Department Admin | DA view charges enabled | All subscriptions belonging to an enrollment account that is linked to the department |
Enrollment account | https://ea.azure.com | Account Owner | AO view charges enabled | All subscriptions from the enrollment account |
Management group | https://portal.azure.com | Cost Management Reader (or Reader) | AO view charges enabled | All subscriptions below the management group |
Subscription | https://portal.azure.com | Cost Management Reader (or Reader) | AO view charges enabled | All resources/ resource groups in the subscription |
Resource group | https://portal.azure.com | Cost Management Reader (or Reader) | AO view charges enabled | All resources in the resource group |
To access Cost Management in the Azure portal, browse to Cost Management + Billing and choose Cost Management. Finally, select Cost Analysis, as shown in Figure 1-61.
If you have access to more than one scope, you can filter by scope and begin interacting with the data. From the Cost Analysis blade, you can view the total costs for the current month, view the budget (if available), set the granularity (Accumulated, Daily, or Monthly), and apply the filters. You can filter by Location, Meter, Meter Category, Meter Subcategory, Resource, Resource Group Name, Resource Type, Service Name, Service Tier, Subscription ID, Subscrip- tion Name, and Tag.
The data in a view can be downloaded from the Cost Analysis blade as a CSV file. Any filtering that you have applied, including groupings, are applied to the file.
FIGURE 1-61 Azure Cost Management Cost Analysis