Manage licenses in Microsoft Entra ID – Manage Azure identities and governance – AZ-104 Study Guide

You can access this functionality by navigating to your Entra tenant in the Azure portal and then clicking Users. You will see these options at the top of the blade, as shown in Figure 1-7.

FIGURE 1-7 Bulk update options in the Users blade in the Azure portal

Clicking Bulk Create opens the Bulk Create User blade, which is shown in Figure 1-8.

FIGURE 1-8 Bulk Create Users blade in the Azure portal

Bulk user creation is a three-step process:

  1. Click Download on the Bulk Create User blade to download a CSV (comma-separated values or comma-delimited) template (UserCreateTemplate.csv). This is a standard tem- plate with mandatory attributes, such as Name, User Name, Initial Password, and Block Sign In. You can also specify optional attributes such as First Name, Last Name, Job Title, and so on.
  2. Edit the CSV file with bulk update values. You just need to update appropriate values and save the changes. The sample mandatory values are already included in the tem- plate for reference.
  3. Upload the updated CSV file and submit the operation.

After submitting the operation, you can check the status of the bulk operation by navigat- ing to Bulk Operation Results under the Activity section of the Users blade (see Figure 1-9).

FIGURE 1-9 Bulk Operation Results blade in the Azure portal

Manage licenses in Microsoft Entra ID

There are a few different license types available with Entra ID:

  • Microsoft Entra ID Free
    • Microsoft Entra ID Premium P1
    • Microsoft Entra ID Premium P2
    • Microsoft Entra ID Governance

Note that either P1 or P2 licenses are included with other bundles and suites of licenses, such as the Enterprise Mobility + Security suite. To be able to assign a license to a user account, two things must first occur.

First, the license must be purchased and associated with the tenant. For small and medium businesses, you might be able to do this by using the Entra or Microsoft 365 admin portals.

For Cloud Solution Providers and Enterprise Agreement organizations, you most likely need to speak with an account representative to get the licenses added to your contract.

Second, the user account that you plan to assign a license to must have their Usage Location property configured. The Usage Location property defines the primary country or region that the user resides or works in and can determine if certain features of a license can actually be used.

After purchasing the licenses and ensuring that your user accounts have their Usage Loca- tion defined, you can associate the licenses with users, or you can assign a license based on group membership. Using Dynamic Groups is a great way to automate license management based on user properties.