Important note 3 – Data Preparation and Transformation – MLS-C01 Study Guide

Important note

Although, in real scenarios, you usually need to treat missing data via exclusion or imputation, never forget that you can always try to look at the source process and check if you can retrieve (or, at least, better understand) the missing data. You may face this option in the exam.

If you don’t have an opportunity to recover your missing data from anywhere, then you should move on to other approaches, such as listwise deletion and imputation.

Listwise deletion refers to the process of discarding some data, which is the downside of this choice. This may happen at the row level or the column level. For example, suppose you have a DataFrame containing four columns and one of them has 90% of its data missing. In such cases, what usually makes more sense is dropping the entire feature (column), since you don’t have that information for the majority of your observations (rows).

From a row perspective, you may have a DataFrame with a small number of observations (rows) containing missing data in one of its features (columns). In such scenarios, instead of removing the entire feature, what makes more sense is removing only those few observations.

The benefit of using this method is the simplicity of dropping a row or a column. Again, the downside is losing information. If you don’t want to lose information while handling your missing data, then you should go for an imputation strategy.

Imputation is also known as replacement, where you will replace missing values by substituting a value. The most common approach to imputation is replacing the missing value with the mean of the feature. Please take note of this approach because it is likely to appear in your exam:


Table 4.10 – Replacing missing values with the mean or median

Table 4.10 shows a very simple dataset with one single feature and five observations, where the third observation has a missing value. If you decide to replace that missing data with the mean value of the feature, you will come up with 49. Sometimes, when there are outliers in the data, the median might be more appropriate (in this case, the median would be 35):

AgeJob status

Table 4.11 – Replacing missing values with the mean or median of the group

If you want to go deeper, you could find the mean or median value according to a given group of features. For example, Table 4.11 expanded the previous dataset from Table 4.10 by adding the Job status column. Now, there is some evidence that the initial approach of changing the missing value by using the overall median (35 years old) was likely to be wrong (since that person is retired).

What you can do now is replace the missing value with the mean or median of the other observations that belong to the same job status. Using this new approach, you can change the missing information to 77.5. Considering that the person is retired, 77.5 makes more sense than 35 years old.