• Exam Name:

    H35-260: HCSA-Field-Transmission&PTN V1.0

  • Last Update: Jul 5, 24
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H35-260: HCSA-Field-Transmission&PTN V1.0 and 1000+ other certification exams prep course
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H35-260: HCSA-Field-Transmission&PTN V1.0 and 1000+ other certification exams prep program PLUS exam simulator
H35-260: HCSA-Field-Transmission&PTN V1.0 and 1000+ other certification exams prep program
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H35-260: HCSA-Field-Transmission&PTN V1.0 Exams Details

Huawei provides a unified, ultra-high-speed transport solution that integrates WDM/OTN, MSTP for massive instantaneous bandwidth. It not only features high reliability and low latency but also prevents network congestion. With HCSA-Field-Transmission&PTN V1.0 certification, it will prove that you have the basic knowledge of transmission network, and the ability to deliver and maintain Huawei MSTP equipment independently.

The topics of this exam include:
– SDH working principle
– WDM working principle
– OTN working principle
– Ethernet working principle
– The basic concept of MPLS and PWE3
– The protection mechanism of MSP/SNCP
– The system structure and features of the OptiX OSN 3500 equipment
– State the main functions of the boards in the OptiX OSN 3500 equipment
– The SDH network configuration and monitoring through NMS
– The PDH service configuration through NMS
– The Ethernet service (EPL/EVPL/EPLAN) configuration through NMS

What Our Customers Say

Focus On the Areas You Need to Study the Most!

The H35-260: HCSA-Field-Transmission&PTN V1.0 study materials that Acedexam provides are interactive, which makes it easy for you to focus on the areas of the tests where you need to study the most. For example, while I was preparing for the H35-260: HCSA-Field-Transmission&PTN V1.0 exam, I was able to create and take online notes on the more difficult questions, and I was able to filter the questions that appeared on the practice tests, so that I was provided with unique tests each time I took one. With the assistance of Acedexam, I passed this exam on the first go with an excellent score of 93%. Thank you Acedexam!

– From Maria Hanna

It worked wonders

It never ceases to amaze me how Acedexam really knows how to make things work. Their practice tests are incredibly accurate to the real deal, with questions that are so much like the real test, that by the time I was taking the actual exam, I felt like I was just repeating what I had been practicing for over a month. And with the answer key provided, I was able to correct myself when concepts became confusing or unclear, which made the H35-260: HCSA-Field-Transmission&PTN V1.0 exam that much simpler. I knew the material and was ready for the test format. Thank you Acedexam.


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It can be really hard to find quality study materials and actually get the help that you need to prepare for an exam. It is for this very reason that I was so relieved to find AcedExam for my H35-260: HCSA-Field-Transmission&PTN V1.0 exam preparations. They provide amazing study materials filled with accurate and detailed information about the exam which you are preparing for. AcedExam is the leader in technology related test prep and using their materials will pretty much guarantee you success on your exam. I simply can't imagine that there's anything negative to say about AcedExam and am very impressed with their products and services.

– From marilyn boswell

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Getting ready for a gruesome examination can be a scary deal if you try to do it all alone. You can buy the H35-260: HCSA-Field-Transmission&PTN V1.0 exam guide from Acedexam and let them help you through the process. The cost is great and you can't fail; I promise. I know from experience because they got me through my exam with a 97%. Their guide is the best around and you will know everything you need prior to showing up for the exam. You honestly don't have to stand alone in this endeavor; let Acedexam stand beside you all the way.

– From Autumn Peterson

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