• Exam Name:

    GSLC: GIAC Security Leadership

  • Last Update: Jul 12, 24
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GSLC: GIAC Security Leadership and 1000+ other certification exams prep program
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GSLC: GIAC Security Leadership Exams Details

When you take the exam and become certified for the GIAC Security Leadership (GSLC) you are validating your personal knowledge regarding governance and technical controls which relate to safeguarding, discerning and responding to security networking problems. GSLC certified personnel have proven knowledge of data, networking, hosting, applications as well as user controls including important and vital management areas that convey the complete security lifecycle within a corporation or company, regardless of size.

What is covered in this exam? We have focused on building a security program so that it meets business requirements and can function well within those boundaries. We also teach you how to manage security operations along with coloration of teams which are assigned to these project. You will be managing certain security protocols, projects and paying attention to the lifecycle of each program.

What type of personnel/professional is GSLC designed for? We have made this possible for IT security managers, security staff who has leadership/team member responsibilities and other managers who are assigned to this specific area.

About the exam: There is one proctored exam which has 115 questions. You will have three hours to complete the exam. You must have a minimum score of 70% to pass this exam and you have plenty of opportunities to study for it using study guides as outlined on our website. Pre-exam training is available for you to use in various modalities which include online training with a one-to-one instructor as well as OnDemand. If you have practical work experience, this will give you an edge to succeed in testing and ensure you have mastered the necessary skills required to obtain certification. These are college level courses that can be self-paced while studying with another program or application that meet the needs for mastering these skills.

  • Managing Assignments: As a student you must prove to be familiar with project management, terminology and how to obtain support from personnel and staff members.
  • Managing Security Awareness: A successful candidate would be able to demonstrate a keen understanding regarding how to assess a company’s human risks while building a security awareness program that can adapt and grow within that security program. You should possess the will to demonstrate your knowledge of building a vulnerability management program that is able to identify, prioritize and remedy the technical and actual system vulnerabilities in a corporate environment.

Check out the practice tests and become familiar with the questions which can help you succeed when taking the actual test. These steps can guarantee your success on this career path.

What Our Customers Say


I get test jitters, and I get them bad. I was afraid of the GSLC: GIAC Security Leadership exam, and no wonder! I had no idea how I would fit all that info in my noggin, and as the test date grew closer, I grew more frightened. Woe was me, for I didn't know what to do, or how to calm myself down enough to get serious about studying. That was when I bumped into Acedexam at a coworker's behest. I took that prep course and voila! Studying was a snap! I used their practice tests and they worked wonders, preparing me, so I aced that exam with no problem.

– From Tamara Farison

What I Owe

I wouldn't be where I am today without Acedexam. They've gotten me through certifications that, frankly, I wasn't sure I'd get without help. The GSLC: GIAC Security Leadership exam was no exception. Acedexam guarantee results. Of course they can't guarantee your career will take off the way mine did. That's up to you and the job market and a lot of factors. But they do guarantee that with their study aids, you'll get your certificate, and what you do with it then is up to you. The field is competitive, so wouldn't you rather have Acedexam on your side, instead of the side of your competition and not you?

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No need for books when I have Acedexam!

I don't need to carry around big, heavy books when I can use Acedexam online! It is really hard to study when you do not know what information will be on the test. Every time I think I am ready to take on a test and I know to study, I find out otherwise. Now, with Acedexam, I can study real questions and have the right answers. I don't know how I ever passed any test before I discovered Acedexam! And, with Acedexam, I got my GSLC: GIAC Security Leadership exam!

– From Denise Davis

I needed this!

I can see why I needed my GSLC: GIAC Security Leadership training. Wow! I wouldn't even be able to function without it. My job is demanding, but fulfilling at the same time. Everything I was taught is useful. The package I bought was great and the material was on point and up to date. I studied and used the site testing as a dry-run for the real thing. I got a great score the first time out and I'm very thankful.


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