Edge Caching – Implementing Scalability and Elasticity – SOA-C02 Study Guide

Edge Caching

When content is delivered frequently to multiple users, you can employ edge caching or what is more commonly referred to as a content delivery network. In AWS, you can use the Amazon CloudFront service to deliver frequently used content in a highly efficient manner to millions of users around the globe while at the same time offloading multiple same requests off the application or back end.

Server-Side Caching

When a feature, a module, or certain content stored within the web service is requested frequently, you typically use server-side caching to reduce the need for the server to look for the feature on disk. The first time the feature is requested and the response assembled, the server caches the response in memory so it can be delivered with much lower latency than if it were read from disk and reassembled each time. There is a limitation to the amount of memory the server has, and of course, server-side caching is traditionally limited to each instance. However, in AWS, you can use the ElastiCache service to provide a shared, network-attached, in-memory datastore that can fulfill the needs of caching any kind of content you would usually cache in memory.

Database Caching

The last layer of caching is database caching. This approach lets you cache database contents or database responses into a caching service. There are two approaches to database caching:

In-line caching: This approach utilizes a service that manages the reads and writes to and from the database.

Side-loaded caching: This approach is performed by an application that is aware of the cache and database as two distinct entities. All reads and writes to and from the cache and the database are managed within the application because both the cache and database are two distinct entities.

An example of an in-line caching solution is the DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) service. With DAX, you can simply address all reads and writes to the DAX cluster, which is connected to the DynamoDB table in the back end. DAX automatically forwards any writes to DynamoDB, and all reads deliver the data straight from the cache in case of a cache hit or forward the read request to the DynamoDB back end transparently. Any responses and items received from DynamoDB are thus cached in the response or item cache. In this case the application is not required to be aware of the cache because all in-line cache operations are identical to the operations performed against the table itself. Figure 4.7 illustrates DAX in-line caching.

FIGURE 4.7 DAX in-line caching

An example of a sideloaded caching solution is ElastiCache. First, you set up the caching cluster with ElastiCache and a database. The database can be DynamoDB, RDS, or any other database because ElastiCache is not a purpose-built solution like DAX. Second, you have to configure the application to look for any content in the cache first. If the cache contains the content, you get a cache hit, and the content is returned to the application with very low latency. If you get a cache miss because the content is not present in the cache, the application needs to look for the content in the database, read it, and also perform a write to the cache so that any subsequent reads are all cache hits.

There are two traditional approaches to implement sideloaded caching:

 Lazy loading: Data is always written only to the database. When data is requested, it is read from the database and cached. Every subsequent read of the data is read from the cache until the item expires. This is a lean approach, ensuring only frequently read data is in the cache. However, every first read inherently suffers from a cache miss. You can also warm up the cache by issuing the reads you expect to be frequent. Figure 4.8 illustrates lazy loading.

FIGURE 4.8 Lazy loading

 Write through: Data is always written to both the database and the cache. This avoids cache misses; however, this approach is highly intensive on the cache. Figure 4.9 illustrates write-through caching.

FIGURE 4.9 Write-through caching

Because the application controls the caching, you can implement some items to be lazy loaded but others to be written through. The approaches are in no way mutually exclusive, and you can write the application to perform caching based on the types of data being stored in the database and how frequently those items are expected to be requested.