Custom routing accelerators extend the capabilities to allow you to map specific application IP ports to destinations in one or more AWS regions that you define. This capability allows you to control the destination devices across the AWS network as compared to standard accelerators that do not support routing to a specific destination. Specific ports are configured on your accelerator, and that port gets mapped to a destination you define. Custom accelerators allow you to define global entry locations into the AWS network with Anycast, and then you control the destination region and service.
If your application requires that an incoming request to be connected to a specific EC2 instance, for example, a custom routing accelerator can be used to route that connection request, regardless of where it enters the AWS network, to that instance and the application running on it.
The connection coming into the custom accelerator gets statically mapped to a specific endpoint’s private IP address based on the entry point’s port number.
AWS Global Accelerator has two pricing components, a flat hourly rate and a premium data transport fee.
The hourly or partial hourly flat rate is charged regardless of the status of the accelerator; if it is either enabled or disabled, it will be charged. Traffic pricing is based on the dominant flow direction of the traffic. If your traffic patterns are greater for outbound to the customer, then that is what the billing will be based on. Conversely, if inbound volumes are highest, then inbound will be dominant and used for billing. See for more detailed information.
Load balancing addresses the issues found when cloud workloads and connections increase to the point where a single server can no longer handle the workload or performance requirements of the web, DNS, and FTP servers; firewalls; and other network services. Load balancer functions include offloading applications and tasks from the application servers, such as the processing for SSL/TLS, compression, and TCP handshakes. With load balancing, you can configure the cloud for many servers working together and sharing the load. Therefore, redundancy and scalability can be achieved.
A load balancer is commonly found in front of web servers. The website’s IP address is advertised on the network via DNS. This IP address is not of the real web server but instead is an interface on the load balancer. The load balancer allocates the traffic by distributing the connections to one of many servers connected to it. Load balancing allows a website to scale by allocating many servers in the cloud to handle the workload. Also, a load balancer can check the health of each server and remove a server from the network; if there is a hardware, network, or application issue, they can also terminate secure connections such as SSL/TLS to offload security processing from the web servers.
Users can experience a consistent experience by leveraging the elastic nature of the AWS ELB services. For example, if a website is having a special event and the connections increase beyond the existing servers’ ability to handle the workload, autoscaling can be used to add servers during this period and remove them when the workload returns to normal. If a web server should fail, it can be removed, deleted, restarted, or reinstalled.