Creating a JAR File – Building Blocks – 1Z0-829 Study Guide

Creating a JAR File

Some JARs are created by others, such as those downloaded from the Internet or created by a teammate. Alternatively, you can create a JAR file yourself. To do so, you use the jar command. The simplest commands create a jar containing the files in the current directory. You can use the short or long form for each option.

jar -cvf myNewFile.jar .

jar –create –verbose –file myNewFile.jar .

Alternatively, you can specify a directory instead of using the current directory.

jar -cvf myNewFile.jar -­C dir .

There is no long form of the -C option. Table 1.4 lists the options you need to use the jar command to create a JAR file. In Chapter 12, you see jar again for modules.

TABLE 1. 4 Important jar options
-cCreates a new JAR file
-vPrints details when working with JAR files
-f <fileName>JAR filename
–file <fileName>
-C <directory>Directory containing files to be used to create the JAR

Ordering Elements in a Class

Now that you’ve seen the most common parts of a class, let’s take a look at the correct order to type them into a file. Comments can go anywhere in the code. Beyond that, you need to memorize the rules in Table 1.5.

TABLE 1. 5 Order for declaring a class

ElementExampleRequired?Where does it go?
Package declarationpackage abc;NoFirst line in the file (excluding
comments­or blank lines)
import statementsimportNoImmediately after the package ­
java.util.*; (if present)
Top-­level type declarationpublic class CYesImmediately after the import
(if any)
Field declarationsint value;NoAny top-­level element within
a class
Method declarationsvoid method()NoAny top-­level element within
a class

Let’s look at a few examples to help you remember this. The first example contains one of each element:

package structure; // package must be first non-­comment

import java.util.*; // import must come after package

public class Meerkat { // then comes the class

double weight; // fields and methods can go in either order

public double getWeight() {

return weight; }

double height; // another field -­they don’t need to be together


So far, so good. This is a common pattern that you should be familiar with. How about this one?

/* header */

package structure;

// class Meerkat

public class Meerkat { }

Still good. We can put comments anywhere, blank lines are ignored, and imports are optional. In the next example, we have a problem:

import java.util.*;
package structure;// DOES NOT COMPILE
public class Meerkat { } //DOESNOTCOMPILE

There are two problems here. One is that the package and import statements are reversed. Although both are optional, package must come before import if present. The other issue is that a field attempts a declaration outside a class. This is not allowed. Fields and methods must be within a class.

Got all that? Think of the acronym PIC (picture): package, import, and class. Fields and methods are easier to remember because they merely have to be inside a class.

Throughout this book, if you see two public classes in a code snippet or question, you can assume they are in different files unless it specifically says they are in the same .java file.

Now you know how to create and arrange a class. Later chapters show you how to create classes with more powerful operations.