Classic Load Balancers – Network Design – ANS-C01 Study Guide

Classic Load Balancers

The classic load balancer is a legacy service from AWS that was used on the pre-VPC EC2 classic and Standard EC2 VPC instances. It was retired on August 15, 2022, and is no longer available.

Pricing was based on the hours (or partial hour) that the load balancer was operational with an additional charge for each GB of data passing through the classic load balancer.

Configuring Elastic Load Balancers

It’s interesting to find the load balancer service’s main configuration screen in the AWS console under the EC2 tab, but that’s where you will find it.

Configuration support can be accomplished in many different ways, including the AWS graphical user interface, CLI, APIs, and CloudFormation.

API Gateway

API Gateway is the AWS managed serverless service that acts as a front end to your data, services, and backend servers. While the topic of APIs is in the developer realm and covered in the AWS Certified Developer Associate and Professional certifications, it is important to understand. You should know how the networking architectures are used to properly deploy them in your environment.

An API is a standard data interchange format primarily used by applications to communicate with each other. This prevents the need to design custom software interfaces for each service or application. API Gateway is a suite of protocols defining a standardized structure for one process to send and receive information with another. The API Gateway is a server front end that receives API requests in a standardized format and passes the request to backend services and returns the response to the requester. Additional features such as rate limiting, caching, and security are also part of this AWS service. API Gateway acts as a front-end software interface for many applications and services such as Lambda, EC2, ELB, containers, microservices, databases, and on-premise servers, to name a few examples. The service is low cost and scales automatically based on traffic loads.

APIs allow each API endpoint to be sent to a different backend target where each can be a totally different service. Think of API Gateway as a single front door to all of your backend AWS services.

APIs operate behind the scenes when communicating with applications and services. For example, all AWS console and web functions are user front ends to API calls. If you click a console operation, it makes an API call to invoke the action. Creating and deploying APIs can be rather complex and require a lot of up-front programming. With API Gateway, AWS offers this functionality as a service; AWS manages the API application instead of having to create it internally in your organization.

API Gateway allows you to create and configure APIs by using the AWS Management Console, the AWS CLI, APIs, CloudFormation, or language-specific SDKs. Usage of your APIs is logged and integrated with AWS management tools such as CloudWatch and CloudTrail. To restrict the impact of outside attacks or unintended large bills, the APIs can be configured to throttle requests. Versioning is supported, so you can, for example, have TEST/DEV/PROD versions. User authentication is also supported.