Route 53 Application Recovery Controller – Domain Name Services – ANS-C01 Study Guide

Route 53 Application Recovery Controller Application availability can be increased by using the Application Recovery Controller, which is a feature of Route 53 that monitors your endpoints and is used to determine if they have availability and are ready for recovery. You can use the routing control and readiness checking to manage failover using DNS […]

ExamAlert – Implementing Scalability and Elasticity – SOA-C02 Study Guide

ExamAlert Traditional RDS database read replicas are a very cost-efficient way to provide data for small (terabyte)-scale analytics and should be selected as a preferred option when the entire dataset needs to be read offloaded. Always evaluate whether the question requires you to offload a certain portion of the data (with caching) or the entire […]

Logging – Incident Response – SCS-C02 Study Guide

Logging AWS has numerous services that offer logging capabilities to capture vital information when analyzing the source of a threat and how to prevent it. When using your chosen services, you should enable logging. This is often overlooked, which can be a massive regret for organizations should the worst happen. With active logging, you will […]

How does Control Tower Operate? – Designing a Multi-Account AWS Environment for Complex Organizations – SAP-C02 Study Guide

How does Control Tower Operate? Upon setup, Control Tower deploys a certain number of resources in your organization. It leverages CloudFormation templates through stacks and stacksets to deploy and manage these resources. The following steps will further explain the process: Preventive guardrails are implemented using SCPs, while detective guardrails are implemented using AWS Config rules […]

AWS Database Migration Service – AWS Services for Data Migration and Processing – MLS-C01 Study Guide

AWS Database Migration Service There are several situations when an organization might decide to migrate their databases from one to another, such as the need for better performance, enhanced security, or advanced features or to avoid licensing costs from vendors. If an organization wants to expand its business to a different geolocation, it will need […]

Route 53 Service Integrations – Domain Name Services – ANS-C01 Study Guide

Route 53 Service Integrations There are many hooks and integrations between the many AWS service offerings. Since Route 53 is a very fundamental networking service that is used extensively within AWS to route traffic, there are many features added to Route 53 to integrate features and make configurations easier for the customer. Amazon does not […]

Read Replicas – Implementing Scalability and Elasticity – SOA-C02 Study Guide

Read Replicas This section covers the following official AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate (SOA-C02) exam domain: Domain 2: Reliability and Business Continuity CramSaver If you can correctly answer these questions before going through this section, save time by skimming the Exam Alerts in this section and then completing the Cram Quiz at the end […]

A Common Approach to an Infrastructure Security Incident – Incident Response – SCS-C02 Study Guide

A Common Approach to an Infrastructure Security Incident The following quickly highlights a common response approach to an infrastructure-related security incident involving an EC2 instance: You will not be expected to know the commands to carry out the preceding steps via the AWS CLI, but should you wish to do this, please review the steps […]

Leveraging Control Tower – Designing a Multi-Account AWS Environment for Complex Organizations – SAP-C02 Study Guide

Leveraging Control Tower Control Tower is an AWS service that addresses all the aspects covered earlier in this chapter in a prescriptive way. It is an opinionated service that allows you to automate the setup of your baseline environment—in other words, your landing zone. Control Tower does this by following a set of best practices […]

Snowball, Snowball Edge, and Snowmobile – AWS Services for Data Migration and Processing – MLS-C01 Study Guide

Snowball, Snowball Edge, and Snowmobile These belong to the same product category or family for the physical transfer of data between business operating locations and AWS. To move a large amount of data into and out of AWS, you can use any of the three: AWS DataSync AWS DataSync is designed to move data from […]