Configure cost management In Azure, there are several types of quotas that are applicable to subscriptions, including resource quotas and spending quotas. With Azure resource quotas (or limits), Azure adminis- trators can view the current consumption and usage of resources within an Azure subscription and understand how that consumption can be affected by Azure resource limits. Administra- […]
Configure management groups Management groups can also be used to apply Azure RBAC to a subscription. Using man- agement groups, you can apply governance consistently across subscriptions, including the application of common RBAC controls and the application of Azure Policy, as discussed later in this chapter. Within management groups, subscriptions can be organized in a multi level […]
Assign administrator permissions Azure has many different roles for managing access to Azure resources. These include classic subscription administrative roles like Account Administrator, Service Administrator, or Co-Administrator, as well as Azure role-based access controls (RBAC) that are available in Azure Resource Manager (ARM). Note that classic roles and resources are scheduled to be deprecated in […]
Remove resource groups In Azure, you can delete individual resources in a resource group, or you can delete a resource group and all its resources. Deleting a resource group also deletes all the resources contained within it in one operation. When deleting resource groups, exercise caution because the resource group might contain resources that other […]
Move resources across resource groups When moving resources between subscriptions, the resource provider of the source resource must also be registered in the target subscription. A resource provider is the underlying service that allows that service to function and operate in your subscription. To see the list of resource providers, navigate to your subscription. On […]
Manage resource groups When creating resource groups, it is important that you consider factors for your resource group design: region or location details along with a valid resource group name (see Figure 1-42). FIGURE 1-42 Create A Resource Group blade Move resources across resource groups Some resources in Azure can be moved between resource groups and even across subscrip- tions, but support for move operations varies based on the service. A reference of services that can be moved can be found at manager/management/move-support-resources. In Figure 1-43, the VM in Resource Group 2 can be moved into Resource Group 1, and it can also be moved across subscriptions into the resource […]
Apply and manage tags on resources Resource tags allow you to apply custom metadata to your Azure resources to logically orga- nize them and to build out custom taxonomies. A tag is a name and a value pair. For example, suppose as you deploy resources in Azure, you want to track the environment the resource […]
Configure resource locks Azure resource locks (sometimes called management locks) are used to prevent the accidental deletion or modification of resources. There are two types of locks: resource and does not impede the modification of a resource. Note that both types of resource locks allow authorized users to read resources; resource locks apply across all users and […]
Configure Azure policies Keep in mind that Policy can also be managed and applied at the management group scope. By associating policies with management groups, policy definitions and policy assign- ments can be shared across multiple subscriptions. This includes the ability to monitor multiple subscriptions for compliance. It also allows you to secure the management of organization- […]
Configure Azure policies Azure Policy is an Azure service that can be used to create, assign, and manage policies that enforce governance in your Azure environment. This includes the application of rules that allow or deny a given resource type, apply tags automatically, and even enforce data sover- eignty. Azure RBAC and Azure Policy are often used […]