Example 1-20 shows SW9621-1, SW9621-2, and SW9621-3 Multicast PIM configurations and IP PIM status. Example 1-20 Enabling PIM on Routers 1 to 3 (SW9621-1 to SW9621-3) and Verifications SW9621-1(config)#feature pimSW9621-1(config)#interface e2/1SW9621-1(config-if)#ip pim sparse-modeSW9621-1(config)#interface e2/2SW9621-1(config-if)#ip pim sparse-mode SW9621-2(config)#feature pimSW9621-2(config)#interface e2/1SW9621-2(config-if)#ip pim sparse-modeSW9621-2(config)#interface e2/2SW9621-2(config-if)#ip pim sparse-mode SW9621-3(config)#feature pimSW9621-3(config)#interface e2/1SW9621-3(config-if)#ip pim sparse-modeSW9621-3(config)#interface e2/2SW9621-1(config-if)#ip pim sparse-mode SW9621-1#show ip pim neighborPIM […]
Multicast Configurations and Verifications You can configure separate ranges of addresses in the PIM or PIM6 domain using the multicast distribution modes described in Table 1-22. Table 1-22 PIM and PIM6 Multicast Distribution Modes Tables 1-23 through 1-25 describe the most-used multicast configuration commands. For the full list of commands, refer to the Nexus Multicast Routing Configuration […]
PIM Designated Routers/Forwarders In PIM Bidir mode, the software chooses a designated forwarder (DF) at RP discovery time from the routers on each network segment. The DF is responsible for forwarding multicast data for specified groups on that segment. The DF is elected based on the best metric from the network segment to the RP. […]
Caution You should not configure both Auto-RP and BSR protocols in the same network. Auto-RP: Auto-RP is a Cisco protocol that was used prior to the Internet standard bootstrap router mechanism. You configure Auto-RP by selecting candidate mapping agents and RPs. Candidate RPs send their supported group range in RP-Announce messages to the Cisco RP-Announce […]
Note In this book, we use the terms PIM join message and PIM prune message to simplify the action taken when referring to the PIM join-prune message with only a join or prune action. The software sends join-prune messages as quickly as possible. You can filter the join-prune messages by defining a routing policy. For […]
The ASM mode is the default mode when you configure RPs. Bidirectional shared trees (Bidir) is a PIM mode that, like the ASM mode, builds a shared tree between receivers and the RP but does not support switching over to a source tree when a new receiver is added to a group. In the Bidir […]
Protocol Independent Multicast PIM, which is used between multicast-capable routers, advertises group membership across a routing domain by constructing multicast distribution trees. PIM builds shared distribution trees on which packets from multiple sources are forwarded, as well as source distribution trees, on which packets from a single source are forwarded. The distribution trees change automatically […]
Multicast Distribution Trees A multicast distribution tree (MDT) represents the path that multicast data takes between the routers that connect sources and receivers. The multicast software builds different types of trees to support different multicast methods. A source tree represents the shortest path that the multicast traffic takes through the network from the sources that transmit […]
Note Changing the query interval can severely impact multicast forwarding. When a multicast host leaves a group, a host that runs IGMPv2 or later sends an IGMP leave message. To check if this host is the last host to leave the group, the software sends an IGMP query message and starts a timer that you […]
Internet Group Management Protocol IGMPv3 includes the following key changes from IGMPv2: IGMPv3 supports source-specific multicast (SSM), which builds shortest path trees from each receiver to the source, through the following features: Host messages that can specify both the group and the source. The multicast state that is maintained for groups and sources, not just […]