Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning – Domain Name Services – ANS-C01 Study Guide

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Since CloudTrail and CloudWatch collect logging and metric data from Route 53 operations, this can be stored and analyzed with AI/ML tools offered by AWS and its business partners. Companies such as Splunk and others offer services in this space. Check the AWS Marketplace for the latest information.


Redshift is a data warehouse offering from AWS that can analyze Route 53 data in the data lake and run queries to gain intelligence on the data. Redshift can store petabytes of data and perform machine learning on records exported from Route 53. Redshift is self-learning and self-tuning and has robust third-party support services available in the Amazon Marketplace. Redshift uses standard SQL to analyze and visualize the data from Route 53 and other sources.

Route 53 Advanced Features and Policies

Route 53 has added to the basic DNS service to enhance its performance, add resiliency, and better integrate with many internal AWS services.

Alias Records

Amazon Alias records in Route 53 are a specific DNS extension that allow for the routing of traffic to select AWS resources, such as S3 or CloudFront. Specifically, they allow one record in a hosted zone to be routed to another record in the same zone.

The Alias record is a unique record type that points your domain name to a hostname in the same zone. This is referred to as the zone apex such as While not allowed when created by a CNAME, the Alias records allow us to point the zone apex to a specific hostname. For example, can be pointed to

One of the features of using Alias records in your AWS deployment is that when an Alias record is used to route the traffic in DNS, Route 53 can automatically learn about changes in the resource. An example of this would be if you created an Alias for that points to a load balancer in your VPC running in the us-west-1 region. If we have an ELB running in us-west-2 with a DNS name of internal-tests08032022-, we could create an Alias in Route 53 from the zone apex to the ELB in our VPC to hide the complex AWS ELB URL. Now all the connections to will resolve to the ELB. If the ELB address were to change, Route 53 would note the change and reply with the new IP address of the ELB without your intervention.

In the previous example, we pointed the Alias record to an internal AWS resource, the ELB service. In this case, you will not be able to adjust the TTL value. Route 53 will take the default TTL for the targeted resource. Also, if the Alias points to another record in the same hosted zone, the TTL value will be taken from that resource and cannot be configured locally.

Alias records are supported by many AWS services including the following:

  • API Gateway custom, regional, or edge-optimized API.
  • VPC interface endpoint.
  • CloudFront distribution.
  • Elastic Beanstalk environment; Route 53 responds with one or more IP addresses for the environment.
  • ELB load balancer; Route 53 responds with one or more IP addresses for the load balancer. This includes the application, classic, and, network load balancers.
  • Global Accelerator.
  • S3 bucket that is configured as a static website.
  • A Route 53 record in the same hosted zone.
  • AppSync domain name.

Alias records can point only to Route 53 resources. AWS will not charge for queries to an Alias record that points to an AWS resource. However, all CNAME queries will be charged to your account.