Answers – Implementing Scalability and Elasticity – SOA-C02 Study Guide


1. Answer: Both the web and database layers are scalable. The application layer is limited in elasticity due to the persistence of the session data on the EC2 instances. Session data should be moved off the EC2 instances.

2. Answer: The bulk image uploads seem to exceed the capacity of the ECS cluster. The application needs to be redesigned with a buffer for the image-processing requests. Implementing a message queue service could offload the requests so that the back end can process them in a more predictable manner.

3. Answer: The only issue to identify is with the database layer. A Multi-AZ RDS deployment is only vertically scalable with an upper limit of the maximum size of the RDS instance. The maximum size of the instance could potentially bottleneck the whole forum application.

4. Answer: Find a good metric on which to scale the application layer and implement AWS Autoscaling. The application should shut down some of the instances when usage is low and power them on when traffic increases.

For any application to be made elastic and scalable, you need to consider the sum of the configurations of its components. Any weakness in any layer or service that the application depends on can cause the application scalability and elasticity to be reduced. Any reduction in scalability and elasticity can potentially introduce weaknesses in the high availability and resilience of your application. At the end of the day, any poorly scalable, rigid application with no guarantee of availability can have a tangible impact on the bottom line of any business.

The following factors need to be taken into account when designing a scalable and elastic application:

Compute layer: The compute layer receives a request and responds to it. To make an application scalable and elastic, you need to consider how to scale the compute layer. Can you scale on a metric-defined amount of CPU, memory, and number of connections, or do you need to consider scaling at the smallest scale—per request? Also consider the best practice for keeping the compute layer disposable. There should never be any persistent data within the compute layer.

Persistent layer: Where is the data being generated by the application stored? Is the storage layer decoupled from the instances? Is the same (synchronous) data available to all instances, or do you need to account for asynchronous platforms and eventual consistency? You should always ensure that the persistent layer is designed to be scalable and elastic and take into account any issues potentially caused by the replication configuration.

Decoupled components: Are you scaling the whole application as one, or is each component or layer of the application able to scale independently? You need to always ensure each layer or section of the application can scale separately to achieve maximum operational excellence and lowest cost.

Asynchronous requests: Does the compute platform need to process every request as soon as possible within the same session, or can you schedule the request to process it at a later time? When requests are allowed to process for a longer amount of time (many seconds, perhaps even minutes or hours), you should always decouple the application with a queue service to handle any requests asynchronously—meaning at a later time. Using a queue can enable you to buffer the requests, ensuring you receive all the requests on the incoming portion of the application and handle the processing with predictable performance on the back end. A well-designed, asynchronously decoupled application should almost never respond with a 500-type HTTP (service issue) error.

Assessing your application from these points of view should give you a rough idea of the scalability and elasticity of the platform. When you have a good idea of the scalability/elasticity, also consider any specific metrics within the defined service-layer agreement (SLA) of the application. After both are defined, assess whether the application will meet the SLA in its current configuration. Make a note if you need to take action to improve the scalability/elasticity and continuously reassess because both the application requirements and defined SLA of the application are likely to change over time.

After the application has been designed to meet the defined SLA of the application, you can make use of the cloud metrics provided in the platform at no additional cost to implement automated scaling and meet the demand in several different ways. We discuss how to implement automation in the AWS Autoscaling later in this section.