Amazon DynamoDB for NoSQL Database-as-a-Service – MLS-C01 Study Guide

Amazon DynamoDB for NoSQL Database-as-a-Service

Amazon DynamoDB is a NoSQL database-as-a-service product within AWS. It’s a fully managed key/value and document database. Accessing DynamoDB is easy via its endpoint. The input and output throughputs can be managed or scaled manually or automatically. It also supports data backup, point-in-time recovery, and data encryption.

One example where Amazon DynamoDB can be used with Amazon SageMaker in a cost-efficient way is for real-time prediction applications. DynamoDB can serve as a storage backend for storing and retrieving input data for prediction models built using SageMaker. Instead of continuously running and scaling an inference endpoint, which can be costlier, you can leverage DynamoDB’s low-latency access and scalability to retrieve the required input data on demand.

In this setup, the input data for predictions can be stored in DynamoDB tables, where each item represents a unique data instance. When a prediction request is received, the application can use DynamoDB’s efficient querying capabilities to retrieve the required input data item(s) based on specific attributes or conditions. Once the data is retrieved, it can be passed to the SageMaker endpoint for real-time predictions.

By using DynamoDB in this way, you can dynamically scale your application’s read capacity based on the incoming prediction requests, ensuring that you only pay for the read capacity you actually need. This approach offers a cost-efficient solution as it eliminates the need for running and managing a continuously running inference endpoint, which may incur high costs even during periods of low prediction demand. With DynamoDB and SageMaker working together, you can achieve scalable and cost-efficient real-time prediction applications while maintaining low latency and high availability.

You will not cover the DynamoDB table structure or key structure in this chapter as this is not required for the certification exam. However, it is good to have a basic knowledge of them. For more details, please refer to the AWS docs available here:


In this chapter, you learned about various data storage services from Amazon, and how to secure data through various policies and use these services. If you are working on machine learning use cases, then you may encounter such scenarios where you have to choose an effective data storage service for your requirements.

In the next chapter, you will learn about the migration and processing of stored data.

Exam Readiness Drill – Chapter Review Questions

Apart from a solid understanding of key concepts, being able to think quickly under time pressure is a skill that will help you ace your certification exam. That is why working on these skills early on in your learning journey is key.

Chapter review questions are designed to improve your test-taking skills progressively with each chapter you learn and review your understanding of key concepts in the chapter at the same time. You’ll find these at the end of each chapter.

How To Access These Resources

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Figure 2.3 – QR code that opens Chapter Review Questions for logged-in users

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Figure 2.4 – Chapter Review Questions for Chapter 2

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