• Exam Name:

    Adobe AD0-E717: Adobe Commerce Developer Professional

  • Last Update: Jun 13, 24
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Adobe AD0-E717: Adobe Commerce Developer Professional and 1000+ other certification exams prep course
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Adobe AD0-E717: Adobe Commerce Developer Professional and 1000+ other certification exams prep program
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Adobe AD0-E717: Adobe Commerce Developer Professional Exams Details

Organizations increasingly rely upon e-commerce to be successful in a highly-competitive market. By hiring professionals who have earned the Adobe Commerce Developer Professional certification after passing the AD0-E717 exam, employers can confidently trust that their e-commerce solutions will be stable and secure, while also delivering an overall better quality experience for consumers.

General Information About the Exam
The AD0-E717 exam is a professional level exam, which means that the exam is great for beginners who wish to demonstrate their e-commerce experience. Candidates should have up to a year of experience as developers, ,solution architects, or technical leaders. The passing score on the test is 50/77, and candidates will only have 154 minutes to complete the test. Candidates may only complete the exam in English.

Technical Skills Needed
Although this is a beginner exam, candidates should have a thorough understanding of Adobe Commerce, including admin development, EAV/database, UI, checkout, sales, architecture and catalog. Additionally, candidates should have an understanding of MYSQL, PHP, Cloud architecture, and object-oriented programming.

Topics on the AD0-E717 Exam
There are nine sections on the AD0-E717 exam. The largest section of the exam is devoted to testing a candidates understanding of architecture. Concepts include localization, index functionality, custom module structure, and cron functionality.

Other sections on the exam cover concepts such as basic cloud troubleshooting, connecting to cloud services, applying patches to the correct folder, product types, price rules, cart components, and DB schemas.

Professionals who pass the AD0-E717 Adobe Commerce Developer Professional certification exam are able to implement new e-commerce features to help business’ remain ahead of the game in the digital era. Employers prefer these candidates in a job search due to their ability to reduce risk, speed up development, and provide a smooth flow of projects.

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Taking a vacation after the Adobe AD0-E717 Adobe Commerce Developer Professional test

Yes, the vacation will be a true celebration now that I passed the Adobe AD0-E717 Adobe Commerce Developer Professional exam. But the truth is I was stressing big time out when I found out I had to take and pass this exam before I left for a big trip. I had the trip planned for more than a year and was already thinking about tying up a bunch of loose ends at work before I left. Then, the test on top of it! I immediately got online and found AcedExam that a coworker had told me about. Smart move on my part. In a few short weeks it was passed and done! Off to the airport...

– From Terri-Ann Howard

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