Adding a New VPC to Your AWS Account 2 – Configuring Infrastructure Security – SCS-C02 Study Guide

After you create your CloudFormation template, return to your Management Console and quickly create your VPC:

  1. Navigate to the CloudFormation service using the following URL:
  2. Once on the CloudFormation page, ensure that you are on the Stacks page of the service. You can verify that Stacks is highlighted on the left-hand menu. If you are on another section of CloudFormation, click on the Stacks menu item on the left-hand side.

Figure 10.2: The Stacks menu

  • On the Stacks page, towards the right side of the screen, click the Create stack button. When the drop-down menu appears, select With new resources (standard).

Figure 10.3: The create stack drop-down menu

  • You should now be on the Create Stack page. Keep the values set in the Prepare template section so that the template is ready. In the Specify template section, select the Upload a template file radio button under the Template source header.

Figure 10.4: The Template source options

  • You will see a Choose file button appear. Click this button, then locate and upload the YAML template you created, which is called demo-vpc.yml. Once you have done this, click the Next button at the bottom of the page.

Figure 10.5: The Choose file option

  • You will now be on the page where you can specify the stack’s details. The only thing you will need to add to this page will be the stack name. Enter a name such as chapt10-vpc for the name of your stack, and then press the Next button at the bottom of the page.

Figure 10.6: Choosing the stack name

  • There is nothing to configure on the Configure stack options page; scroll down to the bottom of the page and press the Next button.
  • You should now be at the Review screen for your stack. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and press the Submit button. This will create your stack and ultimately create your new VPC.
  • After you click the Submit button, you should see the different events that take place on the CloudFormation page. When completed, you should see a green checkbox and a CREATE_COMPLETE option. Once you see this, go to the Resources tab where you have been watching events.

Figure 10.7: The Resources tab

  1. In Resources, you can scroll and find the VPC that you just created and then click on the link to view it in the VPC section of the Amazon Management Console.

Now that you have your VPC created, the next step will be to review the components in the AWS Management Console.

Examining the VPC You Created

If you have gone through the steps of creating the VPC in the previous section, you should have at least two VPCs running in the current Region of your AWS account: the one that you just created and the default VPC.

To look at the different components shown to you in this section, navigate to the VPC service in your Amazon Management Console. You can get there quickly by using the following URL:

Once in the VPC dashboard (which is the main area you are brought to when you go to the VPC service), at the top of the page, use the drop-down box to filter the components shown to you by selecting a particular VPC. In this case, you will select the VPC you just created, named MyVPC, as shown in Figure 10.8.

Figure 10.8: The Filter by VPC drop-down box

With one VPC selected, only those particular components will be shown in the main window without filtering since the filtering has already been accomplished at a service level. The first component to look at is the one listed on the left-hand menu, Subnets.