• Exam Name:

    1Z0-497: Oracle Database 12c Essentials

  • Last Update: Jul 3, 24
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1Z0-497: Oracle Database 12c Essentials and 1000+ other certification exams prep course
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1Z0-497: Oracle Database 12c Essentials and 1000+ other certification exams prep program
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1Z0-497: Oracle Database 12c Essentials Exams Details

Managing Oracle Databased With the 1Z0-497 Oracle Database 12c Essentials Certification Exam
Businesses seek out professionals who can help them manage data as a critical asset. The 1Z0-497 Oracle Database 12c Essentials exam demonstrates that candidates can manage and optimize database concepts. These skills make certified professionals among the first choices for candidates looking for qualified database administrators.

About the Exam
The 1Z0-497 Oracle Database 12c Essentials exam is necessary in order to earn the Oracle Database 12c Certified Implementation Specialist certification exam. Each exam consists sof 85 multiple choice questions that must be completed within two hours. Candidates must score at least 70% on the exam in order to pass.

Recommended Training
Oracle offers seven different courses to help prepare candidates for the exam. An online study guide is also available. Additionally, candidates should have in-person experience through either field experience or labs in order to fully grasp the material.

Ideal Candidates
Anyone may take the exam, regardless of their professional background. However, the exam is targeted towards individuals who are part of the Oracle Partner Network (OPN). OPN members who pass the exam will be recognized as OPN Certified Specialists.

Exam Topics
Candidates are expected to have a thorough understanding of Oracle Database Software, including key characteristics, locking behavior, and database transactions. Candidates should also understand the following topics:

  • Administration
  • Oracle Database 12c Features
  • Maximum Availability Architecture
  • Backup and Recovery
  • Monitoring
  • Administration of Users and Security
  • Software Installation and Maintenance
  • Oracle Network Architecture

Mastering Oracle’s cutting-edge database environments takes considerable professional skill. Employers seek out certified professionals because it assures them that the company will benefit from the professional’s management, maintenance, and optimization skills. As data management continues to be in heavy demand, candidates who pass the 1Z0-497 Oracle Database 12c Essentials exam will have solid career choices.

What Our Customers Say

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– From Mark Neufeld

The Other Study Guides Waste Time and Money

I have yet to talk to someone in my field who has passed the 1Z0-497: Oracle Database 12c Essentials exam using the old paper or e-book study guides. They certainly didn't help me! I wasted time and money trying to prepare for the 1Z0-497: Oracle Database 12c Essentials exam using the old-fashioned practice tests. All it got me was a failing score on the exam. With Acedexam, I knew right away things were going to be different. The tests felt like questions that might actually be on the exam, and when I took the exam, the questions mirrored the ones from the practice exams perfectly. With a score of 90%, Acedexam was definitely worth my time and money.

– From jaden cliff

I am so proud of myself for passing the 1Z0-497: Oracle Database 12c Essentials with Acedexam' assistance!

When I first started to study for the 1Z0-497: Oracle Database 12c Essentials exam, I was using the free information dumps that one can find on the web. There was a ton of information there. Sadly, I quickly found out that it was out of date and, therefore useless. That was a big turning point for me. I was running out of time. Then, someone told me about Acedexam study program, so I invested a small fee and started to study, even though I felt that the situation was hopeless. I soon began to notice how quickly I started to learn the material. I am very proud that I passed the 1Z0-497: Oracle Database 12c Essentials exam. I thank Acedexam for that.

– From Mercedes Rueter

I'm confident that it will always be Acedexam for me.

Confidence isn't anything I excel at, but with Acedexam, I am always confident that I have the tools I'll need to succeed. I haven't posted until now, but I first started using Acedexam a while back when my brother-in-law's friend saw what a hard time I was having with my certifications. When it came time for me to take the 1Z0-497: Oracle Database 12c Essentials exam, I was confident that I had the most up-to-date information, I was able to understand and retain the information, and that I would pass the 1Z0-497: Oracle Database 12c Essentials exam on my first try. And I did with a 96%!

– From Barbara Morning

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